England's Workshops. By Dr. G. L. M. Strauss, C. W.
Qain, F.C.S., John C. Brough, Thomas Archer, W. B. Tegetmeier, and W. J. Prowse. (Groombridge and Sons.)—A collection of papers describing some of the great manufactories of this country, such as Gillott's steel pen manufactory, Mappin Brothers Queen's Plate and Cutlery Works, the chemical works of Davy and Macmurdo, the glass works of Chance Brothers and Co., near Birmingham, Price's Patent Candle Company, and Allsopp's brewery at Burton - on - Trent. The work seems to us to be well done, and the descriptions clear, but the volume cannot, of course, be considered light reading. Still it is infinitely preferable to have an account of a manu- factory written in plain sensible language to having it mixed up with stale jokes, bad puns, and levity, which do not make solid information any lighter, but do hinder the reader in his efforts to master the infor- mation.