K Drouyn De Lhuys' Circular On The Schleswig-holstein...
has been published, and is certainly not less offended and offensive in its mention of England than we anticipated. The Emperor intimates that, had the Congress been general,......
The Scotsman Publishes A Noteworthy Sketch Of The Duke Of
Athole, who died on the 16th inst., of cancer of the throat. He seems to have been a man of a type unusual in Europe—a real Highlander, who lived always in his kilt, made......
Sir George Grey Has Had A Further Correspondence With The
Derbyshire magistrates about the Townley case. The visiting justices and magistrates intimate their conviction that any inquiry into Townley's lunacy after the trial should have......
There Is A Lull In American News Which Will Scarcely
be broken for another month. The weather keeps the armies from moving, and both sides are very diligently completing their levies. The few items of news which have arrived this......
The Dean Of Westminster Has Given Two Fine Lectures At
Edin- burgh on the Hebrew monarchy in the time of Solomon. He treated him as the "true typa of an Asiatic monarch," quoting Hegel's just observation, that " Europa could have......
On Thursday The Appeal In The Leigh Sunday Haymaking Case
came on for a hearing before the Court of Queen's Bench, when all the judges indulged themselves in making fun of the Sunday Act, showing how badly the law was defined, and how......
"god," Said Frederick The Great, "is Usually On The Side
of the biggestbattalions," and Herr von Bismark is of the same opinion. In a speech on the position of his Government, made when demand- ing a loan, he declared that the......
Mr. E. Baines, Member For Leeds, On Thursday Addressed To
the\ local Chamber of Commerce a speech very different from the last he uttered in Leeds. Instead of eulogizing all Peers, he talked for an hour most sensibly about the advance......
This Short Table, Giving The German Subjects Of Each German
State, materially facilitates opinions on any German question :— Austria ... ... 12,802,944 Baden ... ... 1,369,291 Prussia ... 14,188,804 Hesse Cassel ... ... 738,454 Bavaria......