23 JANUARY 1864, Page 23

The Royal Fire and Life Insurance Company have sent us

their illustrated almanack, which gives us, first, pictures of the Queen, the late Prince Consort, and the Prince and Princess of Wales, then of its own branch establishments inLondon, Liverpool, &c., and, besides these illus- trations, a very curious Alpine diagram of the experience of the office in comparing the probable with the actual number of deaths at given ages. According to this, thirty-five is the age at which the actual number of deaths most strikingly exceeds the calculations made from former experi- ence,—the dangerous age for this generation. There is also, besides the usual almanack matter, an account of the astonishing progress of the Company in a life-time of only seventeen years, especially in the fire department, in which its premiums now amount to no less than 300,000L a year.