[To THE EDITOR OF TIM " Spirerrroz2.1 Sin,—Archdeacon Denison, against the Spectator, says that the Church of England has authority, but is prevented from exercising the same by the civil power. Supposing, however, the Church of England to be in the same position as the Episcopal Church in Scotland, what and where is the authority? Is it the Archbishop of Canterbury ? or a Synod of Bishops ? or Convocation ? Again, supposing you have got the authority, what is it worth ? Is it infallible ? and, as such, does it claim submission ? If it is not infallible, if it does not bind the conscience, can it be called an authority at all ? Can Anglicans really make (what we Catholics call) an act of faith in the Church of England ? And is this act of faith a submission to an authority which claims to be, and is accepted as, an infallible teacher in things spiritual ? If not, neither the act of faith nor the authority can be worth very much.—I am, Sir, &c., The Presbytery, St. Andrews, N.B. GEORGE ANGUS.