A Tame Hare.
[To Tar ED/TOR or ram "arrerrzroa.n SIR,--In your interesting article on " Possible Pets," in the Spectator of January 2nd, I see you ask : Who, since the days of Cowper, has......
Vitality In The Royal Family.
[To THY EDITOR OF T111 " SNICTATOR."] Sts,—After all, is it not too early to assume that the family of Prince George show a tendency to low vitality ? We can take the average......
THE TECHNICAL EDUCATOR ABROAD. "You will find it most convenient to take the train to Allington, which is about four miles from Wanfold. You will be able to get a fly at......
Letters To The Editor.
ANGLICAN AUTHORITY. [To THE EDITOR OF TIM " Spirerrroz2 . 1 Sin,—Archdeacon Denison, against the Spectator, says that the Church of England has authority, but is prevented from......