[To THE EDITOR OF TEE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—You were good enough in the summer to allow mention in your columns of what was then only a project in the air,— the improvement of the Home for Girls, which was originally
set up by Mr. Maurice in Charlotte Street, Portland Place, about the year 1867. The project has now been realised in bricks and mortar, but not as yet in pounds, shillings, and We have added a goodly schoolroom to the buildings at 22 Charlotte Street ; we have united under one roof the two sundered halves of the institution ; we have given to the whole the name of ‘• The Maurice Girls' Home,"—and now we ask the friends of our friend to indemnify us for what we have done in his memory, and for the interests of children.
It would be ungrateful not to acknowledge how many have come forward already—forty-four, according to the published list lying before me—and how much the publicity kindly allowed by the Spectator contributed to this result. But we still miss many names, and still lack £250 of the £500 required. This is a heavy load upon the shoulders of the committee, and a serious disadvantage to the working of the home.
The Rev. Harry Jones, 8 York Gate, Regent's Park, or Miss Garrod, of 10 Harley Street, will gladly acknowledge