On Wednesday, the Times' correspondent in Tangier tele- graphed that
he had seen the British Minister, Sir Charles Euan-Smith, who had informed him that "the tribes have quietly dispersed to their homes, awaiting orders from the Sultan for the deposition of the Governor." Later telegrams declare the deposition to be already accomplished; and the difficulties in Tangier may, for the time at any rate, be con- sidered over. That this is so, is a matter for congratulation, for it is clear that the French were becoming uneasy ; and if it had been necessary to protect the European residents, serious complications might have arisen. For example, the Rgpublique Francaise, writing on Tuesday in regard to a statement made in the Chamber by M. Ribot to the effect that French sailors would be landed if the crews of other countries set foot on land, used something like the language of menace :—" It is good that Great Britain should know that even if we are alone, we shall oppose with alLour strength what would be the last humiliation for Europe. If the bluejackets takes, fancy to sleeping at Tangier, they will have bed-fellows." We have referred elsewhere to the essentially explosive nature of the Morocco Question, and will only note here that the extreme suspicion of the French is not the least unpleasant feature of the problem.