Several remarkably interesting letters have been published during the week
from members of the crews describing the naval battle off the Falklands. We cannot do more than mention one of them—that from Lieutenant Hickling, of the ' Glasgow,' which was printed in the papers of Tuesday. When the Germans appeared the ' Kent' was first out of the harbour. The 'Invincible' and 'Inflexible' followed an hour later. "The enemy hadn't the faintest knowledge they [the 'Invincible' and 'Inflexible'] were out of the North Sea." Soon the Germans "spotted the tripod masts, and their engines have never gone so fast." However, the Invincible' and ' Inflexible' brought the Scharnhorst • and Gneisenan to action about one o'clock. The 'Leipzig; 'Dresden,' and • Nurnberg' made off in another direction pursued by the Glasgow," Cornwall,' and Kent.'