Ambulance Buffets And Motor Kitchens For France.
[To TH. Eon. os Tax ••Srzer...o.") SIR,—I write to thank you and your readers for the substantial help they have accorded our scheme of ambulance buffets for the help of the......
The Wives Of Indian Soldiers.
[To rat Eorroa or TM ‘. Sr.-mm.] SIR,—There is a veiled womanhood whose voice we cannot hear and whose burden of anxiety we cannot lighten. I speak of the wives of Indian......
Royal College Of Surgeons In Ireland, Dublin.
[To THE Eonos or MI Sraemoa."1 Snz,—May I through the medium of your paper mention that the President, Vice-President, and Council of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland......
Urgency Cases Hospitals For France. [to Us Editor Or The
.. SPECTAT011.”] Snt,—We venture to bring to the notice of your readers a scheme for the provision of a Flying Surgical Field Hospital for the immediate treatment of urgent......