23 JANUARY 1948, Page 1


HOW far the easing of the situation in India (it is impossible to refer to the sub-continent by any other name, in spite of the annexation of the term by one political part of the sub-continent) is due to Mr. Gandhi and how far to the United Nations it is unneces- sary to debate. That it has eased is all-sufficient. Mr. Gandhi has once more demonstrated his astonishing personal influence—greater undoubtedly than that of any other man now living—as well as a physical endurance remarkable in a man who will be eighty next year. But Mr. Gandhi is only concerned with a relaxation of the ten- sion, not with concrete solutions. That is the business of the Security Council, which has so far acted with wisdom and despatch. Mr. Noel-Baker's suggestion, made after the full preliminary statements by the representatives of India and Pakistan, that the two should, during the week-end, confer with M. Langenhove, the Belgian chair- man of the Council, bore immediate fruit, with the result that the chairman was able to announce•on Tuesday that both sides had agreed to mediation by a United Nations commission of three members and that fighting should forthwith be brought to an end. That may not be immediately possible, for it is questionable how far the tribesmen will comply with the orders of the Pakistan Govern- ment, but the fact that the two governments have agreed both on a cease-fire and on proceeding with the proposed plebiscite, possibly under international auspices, is manifestly of good augury in itself. Both sides have shown themselves ready to compromise, India by agreeing that other issues than Kashmir shall be considered, Pakistan by conceding that the Kashmir issue shall be given precedence over all others. Meanwhile, and independently of Lake Success, India has handed over sterling balances to Pakistan and Pakistan thirty-two aeroplanes to India. If the United Nations Mediation Commission can repeat the success achieved by the United Nations Good Offices Commission in Indonesia, India, Pakistan and the United Nations itself will all profit materially.