The Doctor's Freedom
Snt, — There was a time when The Spectator held aloft the torch of freedom, and freedom is the real issue between the doctors and the State. Changes are necessary, and advance......
The Divinity Of Christ
Sra,—In his statement that ," of all prophets whn have claimed divine attributes, Jesus was the least concerned to persuade His followers to believe any special proposition......
Snt,—as A Doctor, I Thank You For The Very Fair
editorial on this subject in your issue of January 16th, but feel that some comment is called for. Is it really unreasonable that we should ask that a final appeal against......
"freedom" In East Europe
Snt,—Mr. Hargrave, in your issue of January 16th, seeks to excuse present conditions in Eastern Europe by telling us that, except in Czechoslovakia, political freedom was......
The Local Weekly
Sm, — Mr. L. C. Lloyd's article is most interesting. In the R.A.F. in the Middle East between 1942 and 1944, and-particularly in the Western Desert where reading matter of any......