High life
Groaning under the yokel
Four years ago to the day, I attended what the Washington Post called at the tinte, the 'party to end all parties', which °I course was nothing of the kind. Le to,° Washington was there, which in realltY meant the blast was full of women so old,
their birthday cakes have been declared fire hazards. The men, too, were not exact- ly cub scouts. In fact, some of them gave me the impression that they were the type whose self-winding watch would stop when they were making love.
These were the Washington insiders, the Robert Strauses, the Evangeline Bruces, the Jack Valentis, the various Grahams and SO on. They are not a particularly pretty bunch, but they certainly have more class than the yokels from Arkansas. What I think a pity is that Ted Kennedy is not the Veep. With Clinton and Kennedy, we wouldn't need a White House. They'd run the whole country from a Holiday Inn. Actually, they'd be on top of everything. Mind you, adultery is good. It makes for a happy President, and a happier First Lady.
On a more serious note, I never thought I'd live to see the day when the USA had as slick a numero uno, a man who literally told the electorate that he smoked a joint but didn't inhale it. And people fell for it. Better yet, at times he was very specific. Like when he said he would cut middle- class taxes immediately by 10 per cent. The Mystery is that people believed him. Why would somebody advocate a tax cut at a
i time when the government was drowning n debt? Clinton never seriously meant to cut taxes. His aides are now quietly spreading
the word that not only is a tax cut unlikely but we will probably get a tax increase. Although I'm not middle-class and I was going to get clobbered anyway, I still feel verY sorry for the suckers who fell for his bulls—t. But they do deserve it.
George Washington, whose monument the slick one faced while being sworn in,
Could not tell a lie. The war hero cannot tell the truth. While one side of his mouth was offering a tax cut, the other side was Promising to cut the deficit in half during IS first term. What is for sure is the fact that he has no plans except to get himself re-elected four years from now. .What bothers me most is the role his Ife is playing. All this week the couple "lave been appearing on television and When the war hero is asked a difficult ques- tbmi ('How do you feel about going back on Ine of your campaign promises?') she's "le one to answer. He insists that her advice is the best, which in a way reminds Me of Dr Johnson's dictum that there is no Lise trying to settle the point of procedure uerween a louse and a flea. N Last week, at a chic dinner party chez (3.rman Mailer, all the talk was about the r■-untons. Norris Mailer, who is from the outh, is a friend of the Victoria Cross win- r, and defended him against all charges. re only thing I find defensible is that he ,I ,as gone back on his word to let poofs into e military. In the meantime, they — the Pact3r3fs — say they will push for a gay quota eh West Point. In other words, how one :Leases to achieve orgasm will soon have 111..ething to do with admission to the US IlltarY Academy. Heaven help us.