Voice Of The Shires
Sir: Alan Duncan MP, (Letters, 12 Decem- ber) is right when he writes, 'Those who are successful in politics tend to be those who from an early age have harboured no doubts......
P Is For . . .
Sir: When anyone has the temerity to criti- cise our newspapers, some pompous editor soars into bogus orations on 'the liberty of man'. Yet the salacious vulgarity and spite-......
A Bed For Norman
Sir: At the risk of appearing ill-mannere d (Low life, 16 January), might I remind Jet . " frey Bernard that the Arab clients of the London clinic are in fact semites, whatever......
Children First
Sir: It is always open season for sniping at social workers, so Alasdair Palmer's article held few surprises (`The state stole their children', 9 January). However, the picture......
Royal Two-timing
Sir: I've read and reread Mr Moore's article on private happiness (Another voice, 19/26 December) and find I don't agree. I used to feel that Lady Diana Spencer undertook......
A Fine Point
Sir: Mr Ivor Bulmer-Thomas (who is mostly right about everything) takes me to task (Letters, 16 January) for saying that the Church of England in its present form is the product......
Enoch Is Wrong
Sir: J. Enoch Powell in his review of Tyn - dale's Bible (Books, 19/26 December) says that the translators of the Authorised Ver- sion relied 'heavily and without acknowl -......