presentations took place :- The Bishop of Cloyne, by the
Bishop of Ferns.
Mr. Boteler, on his appointment to be one of his Majesty's Counsel, by the Lord Chancellor.
Dean of Clonfert, by Mar. Wellesley. Hon. E. Herbert, by the E. of Carnarvon. Lieut.-Gen. Sir J. Bynr, on appointment to Grand Cross of the Bath, and on re- turn from Ireland.
Capt. Edwards, 32nd Regiment, by Lord Kensington. Major Anstruther, 73rd Regiment, on promotion, by Lieut.-Gen. Sir G. Mur- ray, G.C.B.
Sir. Simpkinson, on his appointment as one of his Majesty's Counsel, by the Lord Chancellor.
Col. Tynte, M.P. on his appointment to the command of the West Somerset Yeomanry, by Lord Melbourne. Major-Gen. Sir J. Nicolls, on his return from service in India, and on his ap- pointment as Commander of the Bath, by Lord Hill. Major-Gen. sir G. Bingham, K.C.B. on his appointment to the Rifle Brigade, by Lord Hill.
Mr. Vesey Fitzgerald, on his return from the Continent.
Mr. Meikle, on his return from India, by Mr. Russell. . Rev. Principal Macfarlane, of Glasgow College, on his being reappointed one of his Majesty's Chaplains in Ordinary for Scotland, by his Grace the Duke of Montrose.
Rev. Dr. Ebrington, by the Bp. of Ferns. Lieut.-Col. M`Donald, 92nd Highlanders, by Lord Hill. Lieut.-Col. R. H. Johnson, on promotion, by Major-Gen. Eustace. Lieut.-Col. Everard, on being appointed
to the 14th Regiment, by Lord Hill. Lieut.-Col. Chichester, on promotion, by
Lord Hill.
Major Ferguson, by Lord Hill.
Capt. W. B. Hamilton, R.N. by Sir It. Otway.
Capt. the Hon. C. B. Wilbraham, Cold- stream Guards, by Lord Skelmersdale. Capt. Badcock, R.N. by Sir J..Pechell. Corn. Blanckley, on his appointment to
his Majesty's ship Pyladea,by Rear-Ad- miral Sir Thomas Hardy. Com. J. Sykes, by Vice-Ad. SirR. Otway. Lieut. V. H. Jones, R.N. by Adm. Hon. G. H. L. Dundas.
Com. H. Slade, by Sir James-Graham. Corn. M. Quin, on his return from viz.
vice and the Windsor Castle,
by Sir James Graham.
Lieut. W. Morris, R.N., by Boar-Admiral sir Thomas Hardy.. Tine KING AND HIS COURT.—Their Majesties dined at Kew on Mon. day with the Duke and Duchess of Cumberland. There was a juvenile ball at Windsor on Tuesday, in honour of the Princess Amelia, daughter of the Duchess of Saxe Weimar.
The King arrived in town on Wednesday about two o'clock, when a Chapter of the Bath was held, at which Sir John Byng received the star of the order. His Majesty afterwards held a Levee ; when the following
Mr. George Stewart, by Lord Glenlyon. Corn. H. Colpoys, his Majesty's ship
Mr. R. W. Fitzpatrick, by Lord Holland. Winchester, by Sir James Graham.
Mr. Vavasour, by Earl Howe. Capt. W. Daniel, R.N. by Sir J. Graham. . Lient.-Col. Needham, Greuadier.Guards, Lieut. Bingham, R.A. by Col. Bingham. on his promotion; by Vis. Combermere. Lieut. Wright, Royal Engineers, by Col.
Col. Creagh, 81st Regiment, Aide-de- T. Jones. Camp to his Majesty, by Sir J. Hempt.
In the evening, the Duke . and Duchess of Buccleugh gave—what is called a dejefiner, to their Majesties, at the Duke's seat at Richmond. Thii breaking of fast concluded at eight o'clock at night !