Emigration Commission.
WE are glad to learn that Colonel TORRENS has given notice of a motion in the House of Commons; which will probably lead to a rational inquiry into the best mode of conducting......
Parliamentary Logic.
IN the talk about Tithes on Monday, Lord BROUGHAM mentioned, as one of the great advantages cf the Archbishop of CANTER- BURY'S Composition Bill, that it does not make a......
Britisr Statistics.—we Have This Week Possessed Ourselves...
of the first printed part of Mr. Marshall's Statistical View of the Resources and Condition of the British Empire. The part before us is a Mpographical and-Statistical display......
The Dangers Of Delay.
Is it possible that Ministers should be ignorant of the evils which have arisen, and are daily increasing, through the delay of Parlia- ment in passing the Itefarin Bills ? At......