As yet neither Power has secured an overt ally. The
South- German States have declared war with unexpected speed, but they were bound by their treaties to declare it, and are rather subjects than allies of Prussia. The Crown Prince, in fact, has been appointed General of all their armies, which by the end of next week will exceed 150,000 men, and should Prussia win her first battle, will advance into France by Breiaach. Denmark, ex- pected to join France, has proclaimed her neutrality. Russia is friendly to Berlin, but does not move. In Austria the Hapsburgs are aware that if they join France their subjects will join Prussia, and have notified their resolve to abstain
from arming. Holland is armed but neutral, Belgium neutral , but armed, with a tendency to send the Royal family and all other valuables and 60,000 men to Antwerp. Spain is entirely out of the fray, Switzerland has only "taken power" to call out her army, and Italy alone shows symptoms of siding with France. Her price is Rome ; but Napoleon waits for a battle before he grants it.