23 JULY 1870, page 1

As Yet Neither Power Has Secured An Overt Ally. The

South- German States have declared war with unexpected speed, but they were bound by their treaties to declare it, and are rather subjects than allies of Prussia. The Crown......

Up To Friday Evening No Manifesto Had Been Issued By

the Emperor Napoleon. The King of Prussia, however, hadaddressed the North-German Parliament in a singularly frank and noble speech, which excited indescribable enthusiasm. The......

The Latest Rumours From The Seat Of War Are That

the Emperor is expected at Nancy on Sunday ; that no conflict on a great scale can be expected before the end of next week ; that "first blood" has been drawn by a troop of......

The North-german Parliament Replied To This Speech By An...

address declaring that, " as in the time of the War of Liberation, a Napoleon forces upon us a sacred struggle," A "hard and violent contest is before us. We rely upon the......

Ne Ws Of The Week.

HE destiny of Germany is culminating fast. Napoleon has flung down his glove to the Hohenzollerns, and it has been taken up by the united German people. The accounts of German......

The Attitude Of England Is Noteworthy. The Leading...

both sides are clearly of opinion that Germany is in the right, and silently anxious about Belgium, which the Cabinet has, as we believe, decided to protect. The Government,......

The French, Though Scarcely As Enthusiastic, Are As...

willing as the Germans. Paris is distinctly warlike, the Army is eager to measure swords with the Prussians, and the people are prepared for almost any sacrifices. There appears......

*„* The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript In Any
