The discussion about the origin of the war still continues,
but it is a discussion in the air. The French Ambassador iu Spain knew months ago that Leopold of Hohenzollern would be selected, M. de Gramont in his last circular says M. Benedetti knew it and obtained a promise from a Prussian Under Secretary that it should not be carried out, and Mr. Layard informed the British Government of the idea on 11th May. The real history of the war is related in the address which M. Rouher in the name of the Senate on Sunday presented to the Emperor :—" The guarantees demanded from Prussia have been refused, and the dignity of France has been disregarded. Your Majesty draws the sword, and the country is with you, trembling with indignation at the excesses that an ambition over-excited by one days good fortune was sure, sooner or later, to produce. Your Majesty was able to wait, but has occupied the last four years in perfecting the arma- ment and the organization of the Army." The Emperor, in reply, thanked the Senate for its "patriotic utterance."