We observe that a very ill-grounded belief is getting abroad
that Monsignor Persico is entirely in the hands of Archbishop Walsh. Very properly, he went first to the house of the Arch- bishop of Dublin, for the etiquettes of the Roman hierarchy required him to do so; and had he not first listened to the Arch- bishop of Dublin with the deference and attention due to his high rank, Monsignor Persica would have put himself in the wrong. We do not in the least believe, however, that he is disposed to limit his investigation into the attitude of the Irish Roman Catholic hierarchy towards the popular movements of the day, to any one class of authorities. We believe that Monsignor Persico is a very shrewd and independent man, who will listen carefully to all who have anything to tell him. Not till he has heard of all the doings of the National League, both from its supporters and from its opponents, and satisfied himself of the troth, will he form his own judgment and report that judgment to the head of his Church.