The Irish Land Bill. [to Ski Faros Or Th• "1:17707-.07."1
Bra, That article in the Spectator of July 16th on "The Irish Land Bill" threatens to break up our friendship of thirty years It used to be a real pleasure to read the "other......
The Flight Of The Albatross.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE 4. SPECTAT012."] Sia,—My opponent on " The Flight of the Albatross " says that I alone am responsible for the assertion that the albatross " can fly in the......
English Commercial Education.
[To Till EDITOR 07 'rill SeseTLTon."] Sra,—Your article in the Spectator of July 16th has much interested me. In it, though to some extent you have put the finger on the weak......
Destruction, Not Annihilation.
[To THE EDITOR OE THE "SrscrATes."] SIR,—The reviewer of Prebendary Row on " Future Retribu- tion," in the Spectator for July 16th, observes :—" We cannot say that the various......