[To THE EDITOR OP Tag " SPRCTATOR..1 SIR,—I think " Common-Sense " in his letter to the Spectator of July 16th displays a little too much of that side of "the cavalry spirit" which consists, or used to consist, of self- assurance and dogmatism. I will take only one instance of this. " Common-Sense " considers that taking away their bayonets would be depriving the infantry of their right arm. So that your correspondent thinks the rifle not merely the
left arm of cavalry, but apparently of infantry also. As one who has served in both cavalry and infantry, I venture to say that this is not common-sense but pure nonsense. " Common. Sense " has criticised very severely an able and in many ways an admirable book. I venture to suggest to him now that it remains for him to criticise the preface to that book—and the writer of that preface. If he feels possibly unequal to this, then it would have been better to have criticised the book itself in a more modest and less cocksure fashion.—I am,