The Irish Point Of View.
LTO TRY EDITOR OF VIC " SPECTATOR...1 Srn,—I think the enclosed cutting from an Irish newspaper would interest your readers.—I am, Sir, &c., Nuao. "Galway, Friday. At the last......
Tae Polish Race In America.
[To TRY EDITOR or TEM "SPECTATOR.") Stn,—It has been brought to my notice that in your number of June 11th, 1910, on p. 981, you stated that the Polish children in America are......
" Kanonenfutter."
[To TER EDITOR OP THE " SIR, —I was much struck to see by an article in the Spectator of July 9th that there is at all events here and there an Englishman capable of......
War And The Arme Blanche.
[To THE EDITOR OP Tag " SPRCTATOR..1 SIR,—I think " Common-Sense " in his letter to the Spectator of July 16th displays a little too much of that side of "the cavalry spirit"......