The Borough Polytechnic Institute. By Edna Bailey. (Elliot Stock. 6s.
net.)—Mr. Edric Bailey relates things quorum pars miens feel. The object of the Institute is "to provide technical and other instruction for young men and women by Evening Classes, and to encourage the formation of Clubs and Societies for Athletic and Recreative Purposes." It has also opened day classes for the industrial education of boys and girls. Obviously it is doing something to fill up a great gap in our social and industrial system. It had in 1908-9 an income of something over .620,000, of which not quite a half is furnished by the London County Council, and the expenditure was the same. The work dons cannot be epitomised here, but we may safely say that it is well worth the cost. Mr. Sidney Webb has written an introduction, from which we gather, first, that the Institute owes more than can easily be said to the energy, unsparing exertion, and unstinted generosity of Mr. Bailey ; and secondly, that it is largely and wisely helped by the London County Council. "From first to last the Governors of the Borough Polytechnic, under Mr. Bailey's inspiration, have worked in cordial harmony with the L.0 C From the first the L.C.C. has known how to secure co-ordination and supervision with the measure of control to which its generous subventions entitled it without insisting on rigid uniformity of type or on administration in matters of detail."