[To the Editor of the SrEcrAtoa.] Shrubshall emphasizes my point. It is precisely because the definition of defectives, as given in the Mental Deficiency Act, 1913, includes (a) Idiots (b) Imbeciles (c) Feeble-minded persons (d) Moral imbeciles, all of whom are held to be incurable, that it is of vital importance to safe- guard those who are merely lacking in intellectual proficiency from perpetual bondage. In actual practice, so-called "welfare workers" are prone to pounce upon backward boys or girls, with the result that they may find themselves relegated to an institution for genuine mental defectives.
It is impossible to exaggerate the need for caution in this matter. The Schoolmaster (June 30th) states : "We agree that defectives under the Education Act should not continue to be called 'mentally defective.'" The latter term renders possible life-long detention for the Mental Deficiency Act, unlike the Lunacy Act, makes no provision for independent medical examination—the only sure safeguard against improper detention. Radical reform in lunacy administration
is imperative.—! am, Sir, &e., FRANCIS J. WHITE, Secretary, National Society for Lunacy Law Reform. Avenue Chambers, Southampton Row, London, W.C.1.