23 JULY 1932, page 19

• Confidence In Our Banking Svstem Now I Am Far

from suggesting that bankers, any more than any other public companies and institutions, should. be immune from criticism. In the first place, as I have already said, there is a......

Are Bankers Profiteers?

A Foolish Vendetta Sourth constructive criticism is always to be welcomed, whether it is concerned with the affairs of Governments, individuals or institutions, but a mere......

How Confidence Is Won.

With a full knowledge of that fact, those responsible for conducting the banks' affairs have to act in such a manner that this faith shall never be shaken for a moment. That can......

A Misleading Picture.

From the nature of some of these attacks which have t een made on the banks it might be supposed that in the dourse of.a. year the banks were in the happy position of having to......

Bankers' First Duty.

But now let us look a little more closely into the condi- tion covering the general conduct of a bank's business, and incidentally the matter of profit earnings. The first duty......