THOSE FOREIGNERS By Raymond Postgate and AElmer Valiance
It must have been a tedious business to search many old newspaper files so as to present in this volume (Harrap, zos. 6d.) " the English people's opinion on foreign affairs as reflected in their newspapers since Waterloo." And now that it is done, the accuracy of the reflection cannot be guaranteed. The compilers— have- selected many racy, vulgar or merely foolish editorials for quotation, and have made a very neat job of the connecting commentary.. But whether these articles were really typical of public opinion must remain uncertain. What the book does show is that English Press comment on European affairs in PahnerstOn's day was as irresponsible as it was offensive, especially just before the Crimean War. And the anti-monarchical diatribes in Radical journals up to the 'seventies are curious reading. Students of the history of our newspaper Press will find the book interesting, but it must be used with great caution. ,