The Franc.
The continued fall in the franc must be reckoned among the factors • exerting an unfavourable influence on markets during the past - week. It is quite true that a fresh flight......
Financial Notes
POLITICAL ALARMS. THE Stock Markets during the past week have been dominated by fresh ' anxieties as to international affairs. In particular the prospect of war between China......
Personal Liability
EVERY citizen is required so - to conduct himself as to: avoid causing injury to the person or damage to the property of another. Failure to observe this duty may prove very......
Company Meeting
UNITED DOMINIONS TRUST - FURTHER PROGRESS THE fifteenth annual general meeting of United Dominions Trust, Ltd., was held on July 21st, at Regis House, King William Street, E.C.......
Hama 'rams Reavr. ' -
Notwithstanding the - great increase in the Houle' Railway traffic returns for the first half of the current year, and npt- withstanding also the reports of continued trade......
Rubber Trading Profits.
Profits in rubber, and especially on the large usage of rubber, are by no means confined to the producing companies. A striking example of this is furnished by the results......
Steel Prosperity.
The address delivered at the recent meeting of shareholders of Richard Thomas and Company by the chairman, Sir William Firth, has been studied with interest not merely by the......