There is reason to apprehend a fresh war between the
Sultan and MEHEMET ALL The Porte is marching large bodies of troops to the frontiers of Syria : and it is said that Russia has offered the Sultan powerful assistance, which Lord PoNsotsBy's remonstrances have prevented .him from accepting. The rein- forcements to the Turkish fleet are intended to make it fit for a conflict with MEHEMET ALI ; and have no reference to the French proceedings in Africa, or the troubles in Tunis. The old Pasha of Egypt has employed money as well as arms in the pacification of Syria. It is said that the rebellion of the Druses alone prevented him from declaring open war against the Porte; he positively refuses to pay any more tribute, notwith- standing the remonstrances of both the French and English Consuls at Alexandria. IBRAHIM PASHA. has an army of 40,000 men and 120 pieces of cannon at Aleppo, with a corps of engineers under the instruction of two French officers. An immediate de- claration of independence from MlitiEMET ALI would not be sur- prising.