Hcgarth's Musical Drama.
AVE have great pleasure in again meeting Mr. HOGARTH in the field of musical history and criticism ; a field which, in this country, has been very partially explored and......
Spectator's Library,
Memoirs of the Musical Drama. By George Ilogarth, Author or "Musical History, Biography, and Criticism." In 2 vols. Beattey. BIOGRAPHY, Memoirs of the Life and Adventures of......
Philharmonic Concerts.
WE have never had a more wearisome arid thankless office than to report on the Philharmonic Concerts of the present season—never to witness more apathy and indifference on the......
The Twentieth Musical Festival Of The Lower Rhine Was...
with great brilliancy at Cologne, on Whitsunday and the following days, under the direction of Mendelsohn•Bartholdy. The Emperor of Russia, before leaving Berlin, distributed......