The twentieth musical festival of the Lower Rhine was celebrated
with great brilliancy at Cologne, on Whitsunday and the following days, under the direction of Mendelsohn•Bartholdy.
The Emperor of Russia, before leaving Berlin, distributed orders and decorations to all the fieltl•ofiiccrs. To each of those whose rank did not admit of their receiving orders, a present of 200 louis d'or was' sent. For his picture, representing a review by Napoleon, Horace Vernet received 40,000 francs, the order of Stanislatis of the second class, and a parure of diamonds, valued at 8,000 dollars, for his lady.
The Emperor of Austria is confined at Schcenbrunn by an attack of the measles. The eruption has come out favourably, and every hope is entertained that his Majesty will recover in the ordinary course of the disease, so as not to render any postponement of the coronation at Milan necessary. The young Archduke Francis Joseph, son of the Archduke Francis, was attacked at the same time with the same com- plaint.
On Monday, the Duke of Wellington entertained 76 of his -companions in arms who had fought with him at Waterloo. An immense number of visiters were admitted in the course of the day to view the splendid exhibition of plate and china, and pictures, which adorn the room dedicated to this annual banquet.