THE present tendency of publication is rather in favour of' solid subjects than light literature, if we may judge by the nature of the works before us. Independent of those which may be dis- missed at once, we have— In English history, 1. The Fourth and Fifth Volumes of State Papers published under the Authority of his Majesty's Commis. sion : two goodly quartos, containing some 1,200 pages of docu- ments relating to the reign of HENRY the Eighth. 2. Henry of Monmouth ; or Memoirs of the Life and Character of Henry the Fifth, by J. ESDELL TYLER, B.D., Rector of St. Giles in the Fields: the object of which is to show that the common notion of the youthful character of the " madcap Prince of Wales" is altogether erroneous.
In Statistics--MV. MONTGOMERY MARTIN furnishes us with his Second Volume of the Survey of Eastern India : Bltagul- poor, Goruckpoor, and Dinajcpoor. In Science, there are—Dr. HENRY VETH AKE'S Principles qf Political Economy, from America; an Introduction to the Study of Animal Magnetism,by:the Baron Du POTET DE SENNEVOY ; and Howirr's Colonization and Christianity, a subject which is at least scientific, however sentimentally it may be treated. As a slight relief to these grave treatises, we have two volumes of Poetry-1. Frithjof, a Norwegian Story, from the Swedish of ESAI &STEGNER, by G. R. LATHAM, M.A. 2. Songs, Sonnets, and Miscellaneous Poems, by JOHN and MARY SAUNDERS.