CO Court.
Tors has been a busy week at Court. On Monday evening, the Queen gave a grand state ball at the New Palace. The dancing commenced at half- past ten ; her Majesty having Prince George of Cambridge for her partner in the first quadrille ; she afterwards danced with the Duke of Buceleuch, Prince Nicholas Esterhazy, and Lord Ward. At one o'clock the company went to supper; after which dancing was resumed, and kept up till four o'clock. On Tuesday, the Queen held a Court ; at which the Marquis de Brignole, Ambassador Extraordinary from the King of Sardinia, was introduced by Lord Palmerston. In the afternoon, her Majesty, at- tended by Lady Mulgrave, Miss Pitt, and the Baroness Lebzen, took an airing in the Parks.
The most numerously attended Levee of the season was held at St. James's Palace on Wednesday, to celebrate the anniversary of her Majesty's accession to the throne. The crowd was very great, and many persons were obliged to return without obtaining an opportunity of paying their respects to the Queen.
On Thursday, her Majesty held a Drawing-room. The company comprised all the members of the Royal Family, the Foreign Am- bassadors, and most of the principal nobility and gentry now in town. The description of the ladies' dresses occupies eleven columns of the Morning Post ; and that light of the fashionable world apologizes for omitting matter of the same description sufficient to fill several columns more.
Yesterday afternoon, the Duke De Nemours arrived at the Palace, and was presented to the Queen by Lord Palmerston. In the evening, her Majesty gave a concert to a splendid company. The performers were the chief singers from the Italian Opera; the music from Rossini, Bellini, and Donizetti.