The accounts from the manufacturing districts mention a partial im- provement in trade. At Leeds there is a pretty good demand for wool and woollen cloths, but at Bradford and Preston there are complaints
of inactivity.
Former Duty. Present Duty.
s. d, s. d. Linen Cambria—the net 31 1 per lb. 10 4i
Threads unbleached 8 2 per cwt. 1 6
bleached 9 7 — 6 2 coloured 24 2 — 16 1 Tow, bleached and unbleached ... 2 5 — 0 10
Woollen Thread, plain white 24 14 per cent. 9 8 twisted, reeled, and coloured 24 la — 14 6 We hear most discouraging accounts of the prospect for an apple crop this year. Indeed, so general and fatal has been the late blight in every direction, that it is not expected that one orchard in ten will yield the fourth of an average produce; and in some situations it is even ap- prehended many of the trees themselves are so seriously injured by the visitation, that it is doubtful whether they will ever recover from it. In pears, the mischief has not been so extensive; but still, in this fruit also, the growth will, from the like cause, be far below what the rich and luxuriant blossom gave hopes of.— Worcester Herald.
In the course of a few days the inhabitants of Cambridge subscribed nearly one thousand pounds for the purpose of regaling the poor of the place on the day of her Majesty's Coronation.
Ili most of the provincial towns there are preparations for celebrat- ing the Coronation. Generally, the Town-Councils will take the lead in the proposed festivities.
Tt1". a'astrian Governhient has, by an Imperial prot•Jcol, dated 27th • Mil 1838, reduced the shirks 'en linens and linen ram, as will appeal. toy the following table—