23 JUNE 1860, Page 10


A set of papers illustrating the circumstances that led to the recall of Sir Charles Trevelyan have been presented to Parliament. They comprise minutes, despatches, statistical tables, and Mr. Wilson's speeches. The reader will find them full of information on the progress of the opposi- tion to the budget organized at Madras and the budget itself. The fol- lowing is the despatch of Sir Charles Wood to the Madras Governor in Council. It is dated May 10.

"Sir,—l. In the despatch which I addressed to you on the 26th of April, I conveyed to you my opinion that, whilst it was the duty of the subordi- nate Governments of India to communicate to the supreme Government, in the most unreserved manner, their views and opinions upon all matters of importance, it was no less their duty, after communicating those views, to abstain from anything calculated to embarrass the proceedings of the supreme Government, or to obstruct the execution of any measures which might be-

come law. • "2. I did not think it necessary to make any observations on the tone of your President's minute, referred to in that despatch, in the belief that it would be treated as a confidential paper (as indeed it appears, from their recent minute, to have been considered by two members of your Govern- ment), to be communicated only to the Government of India, the members of the Legislative Council, and the Secretary of State for India.

" 3„, I learn with no less surprise than regret, from the letters which ofeched pie by the last mail, that the minutes of your Government have been generally distributed and made public at Madras, and have appeared there in one of the newspapers ; printed copies seem to have been sent to Calcutta, and, I believe, also to Bombay. It appears that this distribution of these minutes wa. made by your President, on 'his sole responsibility,' without the-emsturreace or even the knowledge of his colleagues, 'with a view to scourer lir them the greatest possible publicity ; ' and that this was done after the raffs of ,a letter from the Government of India, impressing upon you this importance of not making public the communications between the two Oevamaisonta, ' ' lour President's minute is an elaborate answer to the speech by 14.t y

Irlii proposed measures were introduced into the Legislative Council, *hi h nouneed in the strongest terms. The object of its publication was a to the people of India against those measures ; and, whatever Sir Charles Trevelyan's intentions May have been, at any rate it is per- fectly obvious that such publication could not fail to excite opposition to those measures, and to place the Government of Madras, in the eyes of the whole people of India, at the head of that opposition, in direct hostility to the Governor-General in Council.

" 6. It is impossible to conceive a course of conduct more incompatible with the proper relations between the Governments of the minor Presi- dencies and the supreme Government of India, or more calculated to shake that authority which is intrusted to the supreme Government over the whole of her Majesty's dominions in India.

"6. It seems to her Majesty's Government impossible that the Govern- ment of India can be carried on if such conduct is pursued by members of its subordinate Governments, or that the administration of your Presidency

... can, with advantage to the public service, be left in the hands of Sir Charles Trevelyan, after the position which he has assumed in relation to the Go- vernment of India ; and, while her Majesty's Government deeply regret that he will be prevented from pursuing the course of useful improvement in which he is now engaged in Madras, they feel that, with a due regard so the highest interests of the State, they have no alternative but to remove him from the Government of Madras.

"7. Sir Charles Trevelyan is hereby removed accordingly from the office of Governor of the Presidency of Fort St. George. A new commission of Government will shortly be issued. In the meanwhile, the office thus va- cated will devolve on the member of Council next in rank to the Governor, other than the Commander-in-chief, agreeably to the provisions of the law. "I have, &c., (Signed) CHARLES WOOD."

Sir Charles Wood accompanies this despatch with one in which he thanks Sir Charles Trevelyan for past services. It is addressed to the Governor in Council; and is as follows :— "Sir—I. In my despatch, No. 23 of this date, I have communicated to you the reasons for which her Majesty's Government has been compelled to take the painful step of removing Sir Charles Trevelyan from his appoint- ment as Governor of Fort St. George.

"2. Her Majesty's Government desire, at the same tiros, to place upon record their high appreciation of the services which Sir Charles Trevelyan has rendered during his administration.

"3. They have observed, with great satisfaction, the careful attention which he has given to the numerous questions of importance which have been brought under the notice of your Government during this period.

"4. His observations upon the condition of the districts of your Presi- dency which he has visited, show that his constant aim has been to raise the moral condition, and to increase the material prosperity of the people.

"5. No servant of the Crown has more earnestly endeavoured to carry out the great principles of government which were promulgated to the princes and people of India in her Majesty's gracious proclama- tion.

"6. For these valuable services the thanks of her Majesty's Governi, k. are due to Sir Charles Trevelyan. "I have, Fee., (Signed) CHARLES WOOD."

Her Majesty has been graciously pleased to announce her intention of inaugurating the first great Prize Meeting of the National Rifle Associa- tion on Wimbledon Common on the 2d of July next, on which occasion addresses will be presented to her Majesty and to his Royal Highness the Prince Consort by the President of the Association. The competition will commence immediately afterwards, the opening being announced by her Majesty firing a rifle from a fixed mechanical rest.

The Orplieo. nists will be received in the right spirit. The committee formed for the purpose of welcoming the Orpheonists have already made considerable progress in their arrangements. Applications have been made to the authorities at the Tower, Greenwich Hospital, Kew, Hamp- ton Court, the British Museum, the Houses of Parliament, St. Paul's, Westminster Abbey, the Zoological Gardens, and other places for free admission or extra facilities to these visitors. In all eases in which re- plies have been received they have been favourable. The Earl of Elles- mere has most kindly anticipated any application by offering to admit the Orpheonists to view the Bridgewater Gallery on production of their pass- ports. Messrs. J. Penn and Son, of Greenwich, Messrs. Cox and Co„ and other firms, have also offered to allow their works to be inspected on the same terms. Application has been made for the admission of some of the leaders of the undertaking who have already arrived to the gal- leries in Hyde Park on Saturday, to see the Volunteer Review.

The Queen has appointed Major-General Thomas Aakiew Laroom, Under-secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland, to be a Knight Com- mander of the Bath.

Mr. William Perry has been appointed Consul-General for the Aus- trian coasts of the Adriatic Sea. Mr. Charles Alan Henderson, now Consul at Paraguay, is appointed Consul at Panama.

Letters from Naples speak with deep regret of the loss of Mr. Louis Barbar, our late Consul at Naples. One says :— " Louis Barbar, whose name was so honourably connected with the Cag- liari case, and who so resolutely and successfully defended the rights of two British subjects, Watt and Parks, died last Thursday [the 7th]. Closely associated as I was with him throughout that ease, I only did my duty in bringing his many merits before the public ; and, now that he is dead, the only offering 1 can make to the memory, of an honest man and a faithful public servant, is to make an appeal to the British public or, let me say to the British Government, on behalf of his bereaved and almost destitute family. To his honour be it said, Mr. Barber made his own position in the world. He was the British Vice-Consul at Naples when Mr. Gladstone col- lected materials for his celebrated letters, and it was in consequence of the kind intervention of the present Chancellor of the Exchequer that his wretched salary was raised to its still very inadequate amount. On the withdrawal of the British and French Legataons in the autumn of 1856, and the illness of the late Consul, Captain Galloway, Mr. Barbar was anointed acting Comet, and remained in that office until February, 1859. The ser- vices which he rendered to the victims of Neapolitan despotism were ac- knowledged by the British public ; most gracefully so by his Majesty Victor Emmanuel ; and by the British Government in his appointment to the Con- sulate of Candia, which he entered on in February, 1889. As there were no opportunities for the education of a young family, he left them behind him in Naples, and about two months since returned on leave of absence but, as it was so ordained, only to embrace them and to die. A fever, contracted at the scene of his duties, and never effectually cured, again burst out on his arrival here, and carried him off last Thursday. He leavesa wife and young family totally unprovided for, but, though the Consular regulations make no provision for such a case, it is earnestly hoped that the British Government, which so honourably appreciated his services, will not leave destitute the widow and children of an energetic and faithful public servant."

Much correspondence has gone on -touching the Vansitt art abduction ease. Father Clery has turned up to vindicate himself from an attack by the Times, charging him with being a party to the attempted perver- sion of the young man. Father Clery says he did not directly or indi- rectly suggest to the youth any line of conduct with a view to his be- coming a member of the Roman Church. In answer, Mr. Vansittart, the elder, publishes two of Clery'a letters to his son—his "very dear William"—directly encouraging him in his endeavours to become a Itri- manist, and giving pressing invitations to an interview, hoping that "time will afford us a long talk." Mr. Janson, schoolmaster, denies a statement in Clery's letter to the effect that Mr. Janson has threatened to cane young Vansittart. It may be remarked, that Mr. Bowyer at first ridiculed the idea of the existence of Mr. Olery. Doubt has also been thrown on the truth of the allegations touching the priest Guigini. Mr. Hodgson, of Rackheath, is in possession of evidence to show that such a person was lurking about in the neighbourhood of his house.

At the meeting of the Royal Geographical Society on Monday the 25th the following papers will be read :--1. Journey to Fort Simpson, Queen Charlotte Islands'; by Captain R. W. Torrens, communicated by the Duke of Newcastle (Colonial Office). 2. Latest Explorations in British North America ; by Captain Palliser and Dr. Hector. 3. Journey from Quito to Cayembe ; by Professor W. Jameson, &c.

The French Emperor, during his visit to Baden, conferred the grand cor- don of the Legion of Honour on the King of Hanover, the Prince of Hohen- rollerit-Sigmarinitesk and Duke William of Baden.

The Poona Observer has been informed that it has been intimated to Lord Clyde, by command of the highest personage in the realm, that he will be presented with the baton of a Field Marshal shortly after his return to England.

Count Coronini, Ban of Croatia, has been pensioned at his own request, and decorated Grand Cross of Stephen. Ile is succeeded by General Soke- sevits.

A brother of the Emperor of Morocco with the Moorish Ambassador, has passed through Marseilles on his way tOParis.

Marshal Valliant is at length fairly out of Italy. He arrived in Paris at the end of last week.

Baron Seebach, the Saxon Minister, has been on a visit to the Emperor of Austria at Vienna.

Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe, Mr. Nathaniel Hawthorne, the celebrated the /Or, and the Reverend Canou Stowell, of Manchester, were among — -AL passengers on board the Europa, which left Liverpool for Boston on Saturday.

General john Mackenzie, a veteran Scot, the oldest officer in the army, has just died at Inverness in the 97th year of his age. He was engaged in the great wars of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries.

Mr. Commissioner Murphy, formerly Member for Cork, and in 1853 ap- pointed Commissioner in Insolvency, died early on Sunday morning after a short illness.

The Reverend Mr. Winder, Chaplain of the British Protestant Church at Alexandria, a clergyman much beloved, has lately died. He left his congre- gation undivided in spirit.

M. de Lamps is in Alexandria, beguiling the Viceroy with flattering ac- counts of the prospects of the canal scheme. It seems that the unfortunate viceroy is liable for no less than 3,500,000/. worth of shares in this precious undertaking.

A pamphlet, with this heading, " MacMahon, King of Ireland," is pub- lished by Dentu, in Paris, and exposed in all the booksellers' windows.

An absurd report has been current that Lord Carlisle had subscribed to the Garibaldi Fund. It arose from a statement in a Dublin newspaper re- !peeling the subscription of Lord Fortescue, formerly a Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland.