The Italian theatres furnish no food for remark this week. Both houses are sufficiently busy, giving performances almost every night ; but, excepting the appearance at her......
The Departure Of M. Brindeau From The St. James's Theatre
has brought to an end the semi-serious condition of M. Talexy's company, which now performs broad farce under the chieftainship of M. Leclerc, the veteran comedian of the......
Parisian Theatricals.
M. Alexander Dumas the elder, has converted into dramatic shape a scarcely remembered romance which he published some six years ago, with the title :Le Salteador, and calling it......
Literary News.
Mr. Murray has in the press, and will shortly publish, "Francis Bacon, Lord Chancellor of England," by Hepworth Dixon, being an in-i quiry into his life and cha.acter based on......
Publications Received.
Mr. Ruskin's magnum opus, Monznic PAINTERS, begun seventeen years ago, is now completed, the fifth and last volume having been pub- lished this week. Typographically, it is a......