British Securities have shown remarkable firmness all the week, despite an increased and heavy demand for money in and out of the "House," and the very unfavourable weather. The fluctuations have been about 1 per cent ; the market for Consols closing this afternoon rather dull, at 93/. On Monday a rapid advance from 931 1 to 931 "buyers" took place during the afternoon, owing to the improved appearance of the weather. A re- action, however, occurred on Tuesday, at the very commencement of business, attributable solely to a return of wet weather. Consols closed 931 93/, and have since been alternately sq "buyers" and "sellers." Some very extensive sales have taken place iii New Three per Cents and Reduced yesterday and today ; and but for this fact there was every ap- pearance of a general advance, the market having exhibited great strength at the opening. Bank Stock leaves off 229 231; India and Ditto Five per Cent Stocks shut ; Reduced and new Three per Cents, 931 934; Consols for 10th July, 931 934; Ditto for the opening, 931 931; Exchequer Bills par and 5s. premium. Money has been about 4 per cent. . The Foreign Market has again been very inactive, business being princi- pally confined to Turkish, upon which a considerable advance has been es- tablished ; the Old Six per Cents are quoted 77 78, and the New Ditto, 60 61; the Four per Cent Guaranteed Stock, 102 1021 ; Grenada Active sta- tionary at 14 15; and the Deferred, 41 41. There has been scarcely any variation in the value of Mexican, which is finally 211 214; Peruvian Four-and-a-half per Cents, 92 93; Ditto Three per Cent, 69 70; Ditto Uri- barren, 831 84k; and the Dollar Bonds, 781 79/. Russian continues good, notwithstanding the pending loan, the Five per Cents arc 108 109, and the Three per Cents, 64 641 ; Venezuela has been heavy, 24 25, and the One-and- a-half per Cents, 12 13; Portuguese, 45 454; Spanish, 49 49f ; Ditto De- ferred, 39 39f ; Sardinian, 82 83; Victor Emmanuel, 96 97.
The Committee of the Stock Exchange have unanimously resolved that the Buenos Ayres and San Fernando Railway be withdrawn from the official list. The shares are now nominally quoted 2/ 31 premium ; but there is no business to speak of doing.
Railway Shares have been extremely buoyant all the week, and close at an improvement all round, particularly in Caledonians ; a rise of 21 per cent having taken place in that stock, the market price is now 921 93'; in other things the advance /lingua from 4 to 11 per cent; Midland, 1171.1181; Great Western, 691 691; London and North- Western, 102 1021 ; London and South-Western 93494 ; Chester and Holyhead, 511 52; North British, 631 631; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 105 1051 ; London and Brighton, 1141 1144; South Eastern and Dover, 851 86; Great Northern, 1141 115; Ditto, the A. Stock, 114/ 115k; North Stafford, 131 134; Berwick, 96 961.
In the lighter character of shares the improvement has been in propor- 'tion. East Indian, 102 1021 with little doing, and Great Indian Peninsular,
991 ; Madras, 99 991; Bombay and Baroda, 97 971. The French tolerably firm, in consequence of better prices from Paris. of France, 381 39; Paris and Lyons, 341 35; Paris and Stras- 244 ; Midi, 20 21; Lombardo-Venetian, par 1 prem. ; Luxem- Namur and Liege, 8/ 84; Carmeaux, 242k. In Miscellaneous nothing particular to notice.
he Stock Exchange will be closed, on account of the Volun-