The Court of Queen's Bench has been occupied with an
extraordinary ease, an action for slander, brought by a Mr. Stone, formerly in the army, against Lord Llanover. It arose out of imputations on the character of Mr. Stone, of a kind which need only be hinted at, but in tee last degree of- fensive. Lord Llanover, hearing of them, made inquiries, as Mr. Stone lived in the neighbourhood, and entered into the society of Lord Llanover and his friends. Letters were written, and matters arrived at a point that rendered legal proceedings necessary. Mr. Stone brought his aetion. The whole ease has been most amply investigated. Mr. Stone denied the charges pre- ferred, and submitted to a searching examination. Lord Llanover es-
Iltined his share in the transaction, which it was admitted was blameless. The inquiry terminated yesterday. Mr. Justice Hill said he was happy to state that this inquiry was terminated. The pleas and the charges therein Contained were withdrawn, removing the imputation from Mr. Stone, and he thought the conduct of Lord Llanover in the matter was perfectly be- coming his position, and he was entirely blameless. The Jury was then discharged, without giving a verdict.