Mr. Ruskin's magnum opus, Monznic PAINTERS, begun seventeen years ago, is now completed, the fifth and last volume having been pub- lished this week. Typographically, it is a very handsome volume, and con- tains a great number of beautiful illustrations on steel and wood. lathe pre- face, Mr. Ruskin gives an interesting account of his labours in arranging the Turner drawings for the National Gallery, a work which occupied him, with two assistants, all the autumn and winter of 1857, every clay, all day long, and often far into the night. They consisted of upwards of nineteen thousand pieces of paper, drawn upon by Turner in one way or another. Many on both sides ; some with four, five, or six subjects on each side (the pencil point digging spiritedly through from the fore- grounds of the front into the tender pieces of sky on the back); some in
chalk, which the touch of the finger would away; others in ink, rotted into holes; others (some splendid coloured drawingsamong them) long eaten away by damp and mildew, and falling into dust at the edges, in capes and bays of fragile decay; others worm-eaten some mouse- eaten, many torn half-way through; numbers doubled worm-eaten, I should say) up into four, being Turner's favourite mode packing for travelling; nearly all rudely flattened out from the bundles in which Turner had finally rolled them up and squeezed them into his drawers in Queen Anne Street. Dust of thirty years accumulation, black, dense, and sooty, lay in the rents of the crushed and crumpled edges of these flattened bundles, looking like a jagged black frame, and producing 'alto- gether unexpected -effects in brilliant portions of skies, whence an acci- dental or experimental finger mark of the first bundle-unfolder hada..
it away." The volume concludes with two indexes to the whole work, one of Painters and Pictures, the other of Topics.
Captain Richard F. Burton, renowned among scientific geographers its a most able and successful explorer of barbarous regions, and prized by all readers for his rare qualities as a narrator of persona/ adventures, has at last produced his long-expected picture of exploration in Tits LARS REGIONS OP CENTRAL AFRICA. The work is in two volumes, abun- dantly illustrated with sketches of scenery, and curious portraits of Afrt- can humanity.
Mr. Isaac Butt, formerly M.P. for Youghal, has published the first two volumes of an elaborate work which will probably not be eompleted is less than five or six. Ito full title is, Tun HISDORY OF ITALY PROM TUE ABDIOATION OF NAPOLEON I., WiTM INTRODUCTORY REFERENCES TO THAT OF lUaLraa Thom These introductory references are of great length, for they occupy nearly the whole of the first two volumes, and it is only at page 360 of. the second that the history of Italy, sub- sequent to the Abdication, begins with an account of the proceedings of the Congress of Vienna, and the last chapter does not carry the reader further than the year 1815.
Mr. Vignoles C.E., and Fellow of the Astronomical Society, has ren- dered an important aid to science in the publication of a large double sheet folding Mar OF THE SHADOW-PATH OF THE TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE Sox which will happen on the 18th of nat month, and will be visible fdt Europe in the north-eastern parts of Spain only. The map is accompanied by an explanatory volume, containing, among other things, practical instructions as to places, routes, and conveyances which will be useful to those who intend to visit the Peninsula for the purpose of ob- serving this rare and highly interesting phenomenon.
Modern Painters. Volume V. completing the work. By John Ruskin, M.A. The Lake Regions of Central Africa, a Picture of Exploration. By Richard F. Burton, Capt. H.M.I. Army. In two volumes. The History of Italy from the Abdication of Napoleon I. 'With Introductory References to that of Earlier Times. By Isaac Butt. Two volumes. Six Months in Reunion ; a Clergyman's Holiday, and How he passed it. By
the Reverend P. Beaton, M.A. In two volumes.
Glimpses of the Heaven that lies about Us. By T. E. Poynting. Theology in Science. For the Use of Schools and of Private Readers. By the Reverend Dr. Brewer.
Camp Life; or Passages from the Story of a Contingent. By Lascelles Wraxall.
The Nevilles of Garretstown ; a Tale of 1760. In three volumes. Scarsdale: or Life on the Lancashire and Yorkshire Border Thirty Years Ago. In three volumes.
Observations to accompany the Map of the Shadow-path thrown by the Total Eclipse of the Sun on the 18th of July, 1860, across the North Eastern part of Spain. By Charles Vignoles, F.R.S., Sc. Sanscrit and English Analogues. By Pliny Earle Chase, M.A. Extracted from the Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society. Shelley : The Death of St. Polycarp, and other Poems. By John Alfred Langford. " The Buggy;" or Mr. Turnbull's Adventures in the New World. A Serb- Comic Romance in Rhyme. By George Hardy.Tatam. Book of Biography. By the Reverend G. It. Glog, M.A. Practical Geometry. By Thomas Tate. Ebb and flow: the Curiosities and Marvels of the Sea Shore. A Book for Young People. Edited- hr Robert W. Fraser, M.A. A Stepping-Stone from the beginning of Latin Grammar to actor. By the Rev. John Day Collis, D.D. The Denominational Reason Why. Giving the Origin, History, and Tenets of the Christian Sects, with reasons assigned by themselves for specialities of Faith and Forms of Worship.
The Education of the Feelings or Affections. By Charles Bray. Third Edi. thin.
The Old Chelsea Bun House. A Tale of the Last Century. By the Author of Mary Powell."
Leaves of Grass. By Walt Whitman.