23 JUNE 1866, Page 23

The Tripartite Nature of Man. By the Rev. J. B.

Heard, M.A., Per- petual Curate of Bilton, Harrogate. (Hamilton, Adams, and Co.)—This. is one of the metaphysical panaceas that are constantly propounded by very earnest men for the cure of all our moral and religions difficulties. We do not believe that they ever have the least effect. Human beings find the phenomena of life just as perplexing, whether their faculties. are classified in this way or in that way, whatever may be the rela- tions between the will and the conscience, and in spite of any readjust- ment of the provinces of faith and reason. Our author, however, thinka differently, and there may be those who agree with him. By the help of a couple of texts of Scripture he has discovered that in addition to a body and soul, man has also a spirit, and upon this spirit, deadened at the Fall, but revived by the Holy Spirit, ell the machinery of religion acts. We must refer our readers to the book itself for the development of this theory, which makes everything quite plain ; it does not seem to. us to possess the value that is attached to it by its author, but it is recommended by his evident earnestness and painstaking.