The Fenian Invasion Of Canada. [fnolor Our Special...
York, June 8, 1866. THE Fenian " invasion " of Canada, just mentioned in my last letter, began on Friday, June 1st, and ended on Saturday, June 2nd, after which latter date......
[to The Editor Of The "spectator."] Sth,—may I, In Reply
to the argument as to capacity brought forward in your article of June the 9th, on the subject of "The Women's Petition," ask why the test of capacity in this case should not be......
Woman's Franchise. [to The Editor Of The "spectator.")...
of that (still numerous) class of Englishwomen who, though considerably interested in politics, have not felt called • on to sign the Women's Petition, will you allow me to......
The English And Their Origin.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sui,—You have been good enough to print a review of the English and their Origin eight days after the copies were sent to the editors of the......