[To THZ Esrros OP THE ° simerwroz.1 Sut,—In your article
on the above subject, yOu refer to my speech in the House of Commons on June 11th, and say you, may " assume " me "by hereditary right to represent the- mortgagees of Essex," whom you contrast with "the land- lords and farmers." I do not know on what ground you
make this assumption; but I am sure you will allow me to explain that neither I nor my forefathers have been " mort- gageea," in any sense, of Essex land, and that, personally, I may certainly claim to represent "the landlords and farmers," as being the owner of my family estate, part of which I am now obliged to farm myself.—I am, Sir, &c.,
81 De Vera Gardens, W. JAMES ROUND. [We are sorry to have annoyed Mr. Round, but we believed ke derived his estates from bankers.—En. Spectator.]