" Iliona" Or " Ilionne " Or " Iliona" ?
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECT/TOB.."1 SIR,—Is your correspondent, "Hand Juvenis," in the Spectator of June 16th, quite certain about the method of writing the name of Priam's......
Onthe River.
THE grey-green willow-trees toss and quiver Their dripping boughs in the moonlight pale, Lights dance and die on the shining river, And the shadows darken and shake and shiver,......
"caparisons Are Odorous."
[To THE EDITOR OF TEE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Juatice to my beloved aunt's memory compels me to correct an apparent inaccuracy in "A. E. Mc0.'s " letter to you which was published in......
THE ART OF MUSIC.* IT is a remarkable and significant feature of the musical history of the nineteenth century, that so many of its fore- most composers should have combined......
THE HAWARDEN HORACE. AD HIBERNIAN. Qum mats gracilis in puer in REDOLENT of "Jockey Club," TOSS Pliant as a lath, Perfusns liquidis urget odoribus Down the primrose path. Is the......
[to Tee Editor Of Tee 'spectator.']
Szn,—The lines on Lord Palmerston's famous racehorse _Moue, alluded to by "Hand Juvenis " in the Spectator of June 16th, appeared in Blackwood of November, 1841, and were......