Qum mats gracilis in puer in REDOLENT of "Jockey Club," TOSS Pliant as a lath,
Perfusns liquidis urget odoribus Down the primrose path. Is the boy you now decoy Grato, Pyrrha, sub antro ? Him with neatly braided locks Lovingly you lure, Cul llama= religas ccinam Clad in green, and in your mien Studiously demure. Simplex munditiis ? Hen quoties fidem Mutatosque deos flebit, et aspera Nigris aequora ventis Emirabitur insolens, Qui nunc to fruitur credulus aurea Qui semper vacuam, semper arnabilem Sperat, nescius aurae Palacio ! Miseri quibus Intentata nites. Me tabula sacer Votiva panes indicat uvida • Suspendisse potenti Vestimenta marls deo. Soon from off the gingerbread Vanishes the gilt : Ere the year be spent and sere. You will prove a jilt.
Do I blame him? Not at all; Only could a wizard In your face the symptoms trace Of the coming blizzard.
Trusting in your halcyon mood Thinks he, simple chiel, You will bide, whate'er betide, Lovable and lea.
When a landsman in a sieve Braves the Western gales, Patrick Jones must have his bones—
(Davy works for Wales).
Lamentable is the lot Of the gilded friend You bemuse and Hugh Price Hughes Labours to amend.
I was very nearly wrecked
Rounding Ireland's Eye; But I swam, and here I am
High and dry and spry.