Burns's " Chloris " : a Reminiscence. By James Adams,
M.D. (Morison Brothers, Glasgow.)—" Chloris," also celebrated in Burns's poems as "the Lassie with the Lintwhite Locks," was a Mrs. Lorimer, who lived in Edinburgh some sixty years ago, and was a patient of Dr. Adams's father. Dr. Adams was sent on an errand to her in his boyhood, and relates the incident not without digressions. She was then about fifty-four years of age. Dr. Adams vindicates her character, which seems to have been carelessly depreciated in some of the biographies of Burns. All this is of no great importance, though it was a thing which it was quite right to do. In Part II., Dr. Adams discusses the thirty poems which Barns addressed to " Chloris," and introduces some critical remarks on various editions. Elsewhere he has some very sensible observations on the passion for including in editions of the poet all the rubbish that can be traced to his pen.