French Jansenists. By the Author of "Many Voices." (Kegan Paul,
Trench, and Co.)—This painful but profoundly interesting story is well told in these pages. The singular wisdom, courage,. and long-suffering of Angelique Arnauld in her work at Port- Royal and Maubisson, the story of the persecutions of Antoine Arnauld, and of the long struggle between nationalism and IT1tramontanism, and the various episodes of the history, may be read here with great profit. The sympathies of the writer are well marked, but the spirit of the advocate is not to be seen. Tho conduct of Arnauld in certain matters is freely blamed. " Blaise Pascal" is the subject of a separate chapter, which may be con- veniently consulted as a compendious account of his work and life. The less-known personalities of De Haurann, De Saci, Nicole, De Tillemont, and Quesnel are also described ; and there is &brief introductory account of Cornelius Jansen. Many whose sym- pathies are strongly with the jansenists, would be not a little staggered if they had to accept the teaching of the Augustinus.