Mr. Cecil Rhodes takes himself very seriously indeed, and is
quite hurt that he is: not allowed to settle the fiscal policy of the Empire. He recently offered, it appears, that all the South African States south of the Zambesi should receive British goods at lower duties than the goods of other stations. His motive, he says, was to pledge South Africa when federated to that policy, as a return for British naval protection ; but we rather fancy he must have asked for some favour for his dominions in return. The offer was of course refused,—firstly, because Great Britain adheres to Free-trade in its logical completeness ; and secondly, because every Power in Europe would be at once pleading that this King- dom in part of its dominion was legislating against their goods. The answer is perfect ; but Mr. Rhodes is irate, and in a speech to the Cape Parliament on June 18th, told his audience that the people of England would one day accept his policy. That is conceivable ; but in that case the people -of England will have given up Free-trade for Fair-trade, which is not their present design.