Austria's Struggle The battle Dr. Dollfuss is fighting in Austria
is of vital importance for Europe. The consideration that more than any other led the League of Nations to organize financial help for Austria in 1922 was alarm at what would happen if the State went into dissolution. and the geographical space it occupied was left for other States to try and fill. That danger has been averted for ten years, but it is now imminent again. A Nazi Austria would arouse the bitter hostility of the Little Entente States and hardly less of Italy. On that point Signor Mussolini has unquestionably made his views clear to Herr Hitler. Even though actual union between a Nazi Germany and a Nazi Austria, without the consent Of the League of Nations Council, remained .forbidden, the case against such a move would be much less strong morally if Austria insistently demanded the Ansdilurs, as she has never done yet. From such a development Dr. Dollfuss may yet save his country. He has taken home with him from London the undisguised sympathy of Great Britain, and from Paris what is even more important, an assurance of the early issue of the French section of the new Austrian loan—though M. Leon Blum and his Socialist friends are hostile, owing to the Chancellor's attitude to Socialist Vienna.