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GENERAL ELF-cram RESULTS. If we consider the wide area covered by the operations of the General Electric Company and the general conditions in the heavy electrical industry last......
A Good Report.
It is encouraging to note that the accounts of Wm. Cory and Co. show a marked improvement in profit, which for the year ending March 31st last amounted to £654,000 against......
Financial Notes
PENALIZING TAXATION. AN exceptionally interesting speech was delivered by Lord Bearsted at the recent meeting of the " Shell " Transport Company. The balance-sheet had shown an......
Finance—public & Private
America's Lead STABILIZATION OF CURRENCIES. Ibr view of. :the emphasis laid by many speakers at the opening of the EConomic Conference upon the need for a temporary......
* * * * Iron Company's Good Results.
It is always satisfactory to be able to record one of the leading ironworks earning satisfactory profits, and the Stanton Ironworks must be placed among the few coal and iron......
In view of the schemes for enlarging the range of the Company's products, the Directors of Scribbans Limited announced in their recent report that they were considering it wise......