Country Life
In a very literal sense we may well congratulate the Oxford Preservation Society on being attended by " the vision splendid." It has seized and occupied the hills on either side of Oxford, Shotover and Boars Hill. Both of them give magnificent panoramas ; but this was not enough for the Oxford preservers. Art has been summoned to aid nature. Sir Arthur Evans' ingenious mound (which has a delightful copper map at the top) has (by the taking of thought) added a most useful cubit to the stature of the hill ; and the view is now probably the most spacious in the midlands ; you see far in all directions except one very short arc in the Cotswold direction. " Jam Hill " will henceforth be famous. In- cidently it would be -comforting if some philologist would penetrate the origin of that curious word Jam. There is, so far as I am aware, no very certain theory in the field, though a Cornish origin is suspected. Must we continue to say of it, in the language of the Oxford dictionary, etym. dub.?