The international group of journalists forming the Economic an Disarmament Committee has issued the first number of a fortnightly review, Recovery, which will serve the World Ecionomic Conference as its predecessor Disarmament has served the-Disarmament Conference at Geneva. Its object is to "give news and comment from representative writers in different nations, so as tO illustrate the 'progress of the Con- ference and also to. bring out the difficulties that have to be Overcome. The Prime Minister contributes a commendatory article. M. 'Brossolette gives a French. view- and Herr,-von Dewall a' German view of the prospects of agreement. There is a double-page cartoon. The price of this informin4 and useful journal is threepence, and its offices are at 'Winds-or House, 88 Kingsway, W.C.2.